New Year - New Start

Friday, January 2, 2009

Love of the New Year

Americans love the idea of a fresh start - and the beginning of a new calendar year offers the perfect opportunity to take a moment and reevaluate where we are at and which habits, traditions and lifestyle choices could be improved upon or refreshed.

I too enjoy making my list of resolutions, which I swear to keep, and start the new year feeling fresh and empowered! And then without fail, come mid-March, I'm thoroughly wrapped up in my "regular" life and forget to remember my new commitments. This year, instead of making a list of the to-do's and the not to-do's, I've decided to begin a journey to optimal health and well-being.

To me, this means making good, healthy choices about how I live my life: nourishing my body with organic and whole foods, surrounding myself and my home with products that are free of chemicals, and making a commitment to sustainable living.

With the blossoming "green living" movement, a greater accessibility of organic food and a blossoming array of natural and chemical-free products, now is an opportune time to begin this quest. But there is still so much to learn and discover. With this blog, I aim to chronicle my journey and share the information and strategies I encounter along the way.

So, if learning more about living healthier is of interest to you, I hope you will join me on this voyage. I promise to post regularly and honestly, so check back often for updates. And cheers to a happy and healthy 2009!